January is the time of the year where we look back on the previous year and look at all of the potential that we have in front of ourselves and think about what we should be doing differently. One of the things that most of us like to consider is donating more of what we have to those who are in need of it. We like to think about all of the good that a few simple, well-placed dollars might do in the community around us. At Boise Premier, we believe whole-heartedly in giving back to the community around us.

But, a lot of us have a hesitation about giving money to the enormous nonprofits that exist in our country and would like something more local that will give back to those in need. Here are a few charities in the Treasure Valley that are extremely impactful and are definitely places worthy of your consideration when thinking about donating.

1.) The Idaho Meth Project: Meth is still a huge problem in America and in Idaho, but the Meth Project had a vision of eradicating it once and for all and that ambitious goal has led them forward with each step they’ve taken. With aggressive campaigns for the public and working with law enforcement and locals, the Idaho Meth Project continues to advance on their mission and your money will not be squandered in their hands.

2.) Saint Jude’s Children’s Hospital: While this is a national nonprofit, Saint Jude’s is definitely one of the most dynamic and impactful institutions that you can donate your money to. A hospital designed to deliver the best, top quality care to children, regardless of their financial situation, Saint Jude’s has changed countless lives and will continue to do so with your help.

3.) The Boise Rescue Mission: The homeless problem in Boise really has one face that has really made a difference and that’s the Rescue Mission. Providing a warm shelter for the night and food for the homeless, the Rescue Mission is working to fight poverty and homelessness in the Treasure Valley. Most of the homeless population is transitional and will only be homeless for a few months before they’re back on their feet. Help combat homelessness with the Boise Rescue Mission.

4.) Your local food bank: Every town has a food bank and while they may not be noticeable on the outside, they make all the difference in the lives of many people. It takes a lot of courage to go into a building and ask for help to feed your family, but your local food bank offers them that help for free. Contact your nearest food bank and they’ll happily set you up with whatever information you need to help out your neighbors.


If you’re looking at this list and you’re not sure if these are the kind of charities that you’re looking for, then feel free to hop over to www.unitedwecare.idaho.gov and you’ll have a full list of the charities in Idaho, broken down by city for you to choose from. Every dollar that you donate can make a difference to those around you. At Boise Premier, we believe in giving back to the community and we hope you’ll join us.