Yes, we have deals that are not on the MLS!

You have all heard the term OPM (Other People’s Money). But have you heard of OPT, OPE, OPR, and OPF? Other people’s time, talents, experience, education, resources, and friends can be just as valuable as their money! All of these things can accelerate your time-line to closing a deal.

When you network with the right people and gain access to all of their OP’s. You can find partners, deals, investors, and information you did not have before and more importantly, you’ll have access to things not available to you before.

Let us help you!

At we work with private party individuals here in Idaho who buy Meridian, Eagle, Boise, Nampa, Caldwell, and Star properties at Trustee Auction or directly from the Bank Owned departments of local banks. They will then do re-hab work if needed (carpet, paint, HVAC upgrades) and let us know about these up to three weeks before going in the MLS (most times they don’t even get there).

This is a private service we hold for our best clients that represents a typical return on investment of 12% to 30%. We finally have a real estate market where profit margins can be made on the wholesale-ing of banked owned owned, foreclosure auction and REO property. Contact us today to meet for lunch and see a few of these properties- the majority are residential investment properties Under $$100,000 with the average around $75,000.

These are ideal for first-time investment property buyers as the re-positioning (a.k.a. dirty work) has already been done.