Home buyers are on the move once again with the more traditional pattern of moving to the suburbs and surrounding areas. You may remember it was only two years ago that we saw an increase in populations moving to metropolitan areas. With the economy slowly recovering, families have begun to expand their search for the perfect home back to the suburbs. This relocating trend is affecting cities across the U.S. 70% of the nation’s 20 largest cities recorded a decrease in growth in 2012-2013 compared to 2011-2012.
This type of growth and change not only affects the housing market but our economy as a whole. Niel Shah with the Wall Street Journal describes this growth in his online article titled “Signs of a Suburban Comeback”. Shah suggests that with migration back to the suburbs could be seen as the “recession shadow” easing. Housing markets, builders and partners alike will see an increase in revenue as this moving trend gains momentum.
In Idaho we are seeing this type change occurring with families that are relocating to Boise and surrounding suburbs. There has been a substantial increase in home buyers focusing their attention on the surrounding cities of Eagle Idaho, Star Idaho and Meridian Idaho. Families are looking for lawns to maintain, patios to barbeque on and a home that can accommodate their expanding family. In fact our last blog submission focused on the Eagle Idaho community and all that this gem of a town has to offer. At Boise Premier we work with amazing builders and have many great homes in these suburban areas. If you are looking to move to Boise we’d love to show you what suburban life has to offer and look into areas you may not have considered before. Please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will explore our Boise Idaho suburbs together!
To read the full Wall Street Journal article click here.